Our Passion

Protecting our planet is the defining issue of our generation.

What We Do

The Lewis Pugh Foundation is about taking meaningful action to properly protect our oceans. Through our effective campaigns, diplomacy and outreach we work to preserve and conserve our oceans for a peaceful and sustainable future.

How We Do It

We tell riveting stories. But we are not about talk – we're about action and results. People will only act when they care to make a difference, so we use impactful swims and storytelling to bring issues alive and power real change.

Why We Do It

We rely on oceans for sustenance, for climate stability, and to support biodiversity on sea and land.  The value of oceans goes far beyond what they can do for us; without healthy oceans there would simply be no life on Earth.

Meet the Team

The inspired individuals behind the Lewis Pugh Foundation


Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu


Asha de Vos

Nour Farid

Anika Krog

José María Figueres


Lewis Pugh

David Bush

Sally Burns

Jacqui L’Ange

Michael Booth

Sue Disler

Kelvin Trautmann

Sarah Rumboll

Amie Pearce

Robyn de Villers

Dave Duarte

Lorne Farquharson


Lewis Pugh

Roxanna Samii

Stuart Makin

David Becker

Tessa Graham

Dermot McDonogh


Steve Peters

Olle Nordell

Letter from our Founding Patron, Desmond Tutu

For many years I have supported Lewis Pugh in his role as the world's leading ocean advocate. Now I am delighted and honoured to be the Founding Patron of his Foundation.

The mission of the Lewis Pugh Foundation is to ensure environmental justice for the oceans on which we all fundamentally depend.

It is founded on the understanding that, by protecting our environment, we create conditions for peace. Without this respect for our origins, for the natural world that sustains us, we cannot hope to achieve peace in our lifetime, or those of our children and grandchildren.

I urge you to support this Foundation and the crucial work it does to promote peace and protect the future of our planet.

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Nobel Peace Laureate